The just concluded Valentine's day surely came with a lot of fuss here and about. Everyone anticipated the media blowups of engagements coupled with boxes of chocolates, roses, teddies, rings and all sort of things that keep us 'woowing' and 'awwwning'. There were lots of memes teasing the 'singles' and their funny/bitter reactions to activities of those in sweet relationships which kept the valentine fever burning. And finally the day came and just as anticipated, they were noises all over social media, people got engaged, others were met with mind blowing surprises, some received cute gifts and loving appreciations. But just as the celebrations were ongoing, of course there were others who had quite the opposite. Sadly, some lost their relationships on that very day, probably after they caught their boyfriends or girlfriends hooking up with significant others asides them (heartbreak) I personally saw this clip of a girl threatening her boyfriend af...